Wednesday, February 28, 2007

HCwD of the Week: StewBag

A strong round of arguments for all three HCwD finalists, but in the end the love on the site for Stewbag and Maggie was too much. I guess it was pretty obvious that Cheese only made the cut because I’m in love with that sultry haired bad girl in so many permutations and combinations. That’s what I get for falling over too far on the HC side of the equation.

Although Curly/Shemp did make me want to poke his eyes out. Wifebeater also had his fans, but in the end, the hotness of Maggie (and her appearance in the comments thread) may have been too much to overlook. Or maybe it’s simply Stewbag’s unholy green shirt. That shirt hates the baby Jesus.

Greekbag throws some love maggies way:

Maggie’s Baggie edges Cheese out in a close one for me. Cheese’s facial expression makes me want to rip my eyes out so I don’t ever have to see such a precious little bundle of hotness being rubbed up on by her creepy uncle. But LenoBag in Maggie’s Baggie takes the cake…. I’m sorry, I might have a hotties-with-tans-and-jet-black-hair fetish, but she makes my world turn. Too bad shes about to get a huge bruise on her cheek after LenoBag’s chin makes contact.

i vote for Maggie’s Baggie

Nicely put, Greekbag. The anger factor is definitely high with Stewie’s spiked dome. But The Wifebeater did find some love. And by love I mean your moms. Douchehunter sums up the appeal:

For me it’s #1: The Wifebeater.

This classic douche apparel is long overdue in getting its recognition, for it has appeared several times on such classic HOS douches like Socrates. It is time to give The Wifebeater its due like Scorsese.

Many are claiming The Wifebeater is indeed Socrates Douche. I don’t see it, but it’s certainly possible. If so, credit to the Soc for finding new ways to morph his douchebaggery and appear on the site. But newbiedouche responded to the late push by some of the regulars for The Wifebeater with the following exemplary logic:

Fellas. Fellas. I think we are missing some winning elements of Rod Stewdouche here. 1) Douche has actually gone to a professional stylist and put those douchy highlights in his hair. 2) He appears to be holding in his left hand either an oversized suppository, unidentifed illicit drug (perhaps the source of the micky he slipped her and the reason such a tremendous beauty is with Zitty the Clown?), and/or a piece of chalk. 3) Some dude in the foreground is touching his own ass and leg at the same time. WTF?

Strong argument, ND. And Indiana Douche and the last Douchebag takes it home for Stewie after the requisite panting over Maggie’s hotness:

My vote has to go to Rod Stewart ‘bag. He’s got the best combination of do-able hottie and excruciatingly vomit-inducing douchebaggery.

And so we welcome Stewbag to the next round, gearing up for the HCwD of the Month smackdown in two weeks. I’ve decided to extend the weekly one more week so we’ll have four worthy candidates in the Monthly douche-off. And by “worthy,” I mean I need to get some breakfast.

# posted by douchebag1

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