Friday, June 29, 2007

FratChoad Speaks

The stage-1 Fratchoader featured in commenter KellyBelly’s pic from her ‘bag hunting expedition last week, writes in:

Take down the 2 photos KellyBelly has of me ASAP. One is on the June 2007 archives and one is on her Blog page. (the one in the hat with the Got Brew shirt)

Now normally I honor all requests to remove a pic, but since KellyBelly herself submitted the pic that she had taken, I may leave this one up. Especially since this dude is actually asking me to remove the pic on her blog page. I would, but, uhm, I’m not KellyBelly. Although I wouldn’t mind occupying her personal space for a solid minute while thinking about baseball.

EDIT: Okay, as per KellyBelly’s request, I’ve taken down the pic. Which means K.B. has two options. Go out and scrote-hunt again, or come to L.A. and feed the DB1 raisins while we watch reruns of Black Adder together. What’s it gonna be, K.B?

# posted by douchebag1

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