Wednesday, April 30, 2008

HCwDB of the Week: Pippy

Give it up to Pippy and Sultry Ski Bunny Perfection (SSBP), who combine all that is unholy hottie/douchey wrongness to take this Week’s crown and book a spot in the Monthly.

no country for douchebags explains the power of the Pipster:

This week, after careful consideration, I have to cast my vote for Pippy. Make no mistake; JP and Miami are thoroughly depressing. Both are blight on society at large for sure and I certainly cannot find fault for anyone who voted for them.

But in the end, neither JP nor Miami could convince me. When you are forced to look at ‘bag authenticity, no one holds a candle to Pip.

And that’s what it comes down to. Douchery as defined not simply by garish bling and the waft of Jersey seawater and Tag Bodyshots. But by the “douche aura.” As guyladouche puts it:

I want to initially dismiss Pippy as just too plain. But he’s obviously in a club…with a white deep V cut white shirt. With dogtags. (being in the military myself, that alone just screams imbecile) The Right Said Fred “I’m too Sexy” look with the half-assed hand gesture. Is he trying to be mysterious? Suave? Tough?

Well, he FAIL with flying colors.

Well put G la D. hue grand agrees:

My vote goes to Pippy. Johnny and Miami may be ‘bags, but they’re clearly weekend bags. For all we know, they lead normal lives, hold steady jobs, and go all out when the time comes. Pippy’s subtleness, however, tells me that he is a 24/7 douchebag.

Hue is keying in on an important point — the “pro” versus the “core” of douche. Some dress up on weekends, Paid to Douche (PTD) with Paid to Pose Hotts (PTP). These can still infuriate and rankle. But then there are the Pippys.

As douchetacular explains:

Some are distracted by his lack of douche acoutrement. Don’t be. He trascends the glitzy material baubles that others must resort to to acheive his level of vile, sneering choad. Like a shaman of scrote he has left behind the empty devices of the material world to become one with the oozing tide of douchiness welling out of every pore. He is pure douchebag in every pore. You don’t need hair gel to see it.

Well said, DT. However, the garishness of Miami Scammy won over many, including Julia:

I think Miami Scammy deserves the win. He clearly spent the greater part of his afternoon planning this look. Doesn’t that count for anything? His bagness is tight.

Indeed it is, Julia. Johnny Pirate, despite questioning our future as a species, came in a third, but with fervent support. mr. choad’s wild ride explains:

Mascara, no shirt, hint of undies from beneath ripped abs – awesome (if these were describing either of the Hotts with Pirate.) As it is, he needs to get hit in the face with a huge rotting sockeye salmon. Because I don’t really like salmon, and I hate him.

Pirate FTW

But et tu douche? sums up the Pipster and Ski Bunny’s win:


Ski Bunny’s adorability is enough to generate neologisms, and the power of Pippy is magnified by the impeccable sameness of image after deleted image. The face, the gesture, the head tilt, the hairless chest exposing v-neck, the dog tags, the hott. His pics in toto aspire to an entropy-defying Unity.

Chalk up a win for the Pip, and we’ll see him face off against Turd Flush in the next Monthly.

# posted by douchebag1

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