Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ass Pear in Chains

This is a rather buttiforous pic for a Saturday.

But if you stare at it long enough, the composition begins to argue for an aesthetic artistic grace that is both profound and critically complex.

Ass Pear in Chains is both a celebration of the universalized tropes of abstract sexuality at the same moment it functions as a piercing critique of the enforced limitations of contemporary cultural habit. The framing formalizes the female body through intense gender stylization while critiquing the masculine gaze enforced and ruptured through the display of the female ass in the foreground. By hiding the female’s face while emphasizing the chain across her butt cheeks, Ass Pear in Chains operates as a critical social deconstruction of the limitations imposed by culturally dictated mores of sexual freedom.

The negative space on the left forces us to reconsider the female torso as alienized and abstract, a critique of gender and body. The background display of water and densely packed bodies function as pastiche of celebratory echo. The anonymous faces of our primary couple, shielded by douche-cap, suggest innocent, idealized youthful abstract amidst the forced objects of sexualized display.

Perhaps we should consider including “Ass Pear in Chains” as part of the HCwDB multimedia installation exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum in 2023, when my genius for reconfiguring image, gender and sexuality via simulacra in the age of spectacle is finally recognized by the academy.

“We are strange beings, we seem to go free, but we go in chains. Chains of training, custom, convention, association, environment – in a word, Circumstance – and against these bonds the strongest of us struggle in vain.”

— Mark Twain

# posted by douchebag1

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