Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Clearest Proof of Natural Selection: The Incredible Yolk

From all the way back in February, the Orange Simian douchitude of The Incredible Yolk earns a well deserved 2009 Douchie Award.

I’m also considering including this image as part of my installation art headlining show at the Guggenheim museum in the year 2023. When those who denature images, recontextualizing them outside of their originary intent in the age of the simulacrum, are finally credited as legitimate artists.

My show will consist entirely of HCwDB images projected onto thin strips of semi-transparent material, made out of silicon, suspended throughout the museum space, with each image fading up and down, in and out of visibility.

As each image becomes visible, a falsetto midget eunuch will read whatever text I wrote to accompany the image in a strange sing-song, almost digitized, cadence.

But that’s in 2023.

For now, The Incredible Yolk and his Hott Conquest will have to settle for their Douchie Award.

Today, the Douchies.

Tomorrow, artistic immortality.

# posted by douchebag1

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