Monday, August 20, 2012

HCwDB of the Week: Hipster Skeet and Meg

Props to the excellent and holiest of crappy boat captains, the ‘Sock, for an amazing week of substitute mock.

Your humb narrs is on his way back to lala to renew his alcoholism and love/hate relationship with the Hollywood hoi polloi. And by love/hate, I mean loathing floating in a sea of bitter rage and emotional dysfunction.

But I digress.

To honor the ‘Sock’s week of Pear (and mock), I down an extra shot of Mad Dog with my morning HoHos. And I burp. For his work, Sock earns an honorary pants salute.

Getting back to the mock, we’ll go with Hipster Skeet and Meg for the Weekly. There were more toxic ‘bags, more horrifying everythings, and disturbingly large bazongagons, but in cohabit, The Skeet’s douche-hair and Meg’s innocence combine to form the right combo.

And by right, I mean woodchipping a woodchuck just to see how much chipped chuck a woodchuck could be chipped into. Hipster douche suckles piglet teat.

# posted by douchebag1
7:45 am August, 20 DoucheyWallnuts said...

The Ubiquitous Snap-On Bracelet….

8:03 am August, 20 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Little known fact, but yellow hospital bracelets are given specifically to men undergoing sex change operations at a point in the procedure after the removal of the testes and formation of a vaginal opening, but before surgically trimming the penis down into a clitoris. Just sayin’.


Black bracelets and French landing strip pubic face are warn by people who flunked the pre-op psych exam.

8:04 am August, 20 creature said...

many douche signifiers…but what really sets this pair (pear?) apart….self absorbed & unconcerned about others, smoking indoors…may they spontaneously combust like fireflys dipped in kerosene!

8:28 am August, 20 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

That’s no fucking chin fung. She is of the tribe of Khan and that thing is gonna run up his face, bore into his ear, and he’ll be running around all crazy Chekov-style.


Genesis Experiments

9:00 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

That Slick dude from last Tuesday turned my stomach. Luckily the contents of said organ was only Diet Coke and cashew pieces or I’d have hurled right on the spot.


Thanks for reminding me of the ugliest human being this side of Javier Bardem as Anton Chigurh

9:18 am August, 20 Jasper said...

Hmm, I don’t know what to make of these two. My wifes got me on a diet of that hippie Kashi cereal and Olestra tablets. She says it will restart my engine. I told her the only engine that needs restartin’ is that Model T she calls her behind. Anyway, kids these days am I right? Why I smoke indoors, the wife says my cigars stink but so does that Liz Taylor stenchfume she wears all the cotton pickin’ time. So they get a pass from me as long as they stay off my lawn and dont mess with my State Fair winning turnips. They’re the size of milk saucers.

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