Saturday, July 20, 2013

Comment of the Week: Dude McCrudeshoes


HCwDB’s own Doucheywallnuts went on a bender last night with Frank and the boys, so we’ll take the time to hand out one of the coveted HCwDB Comments of the Week awards.

This week’s award goes to Dude McCrudeshoes for the following, written in the Hackeysack Dave ‘Bag/Nottabag thread:


The last Diehard was an abomination, J.

Reminds me that I’m looking forward to Pacific Rim. No not that one. The monster movie. I’m pretty sure Del Toro is hip enough to get the double entendre and I dig him for sticking with the title.

Way back before the days of skipping second period to get baked in my buddies car. Even before the days I had to masturbate furiously for hours to the image of a single, silky brown pube poking out from the side of my girlfriend’s bikini bottoms… I remember being a boy of about 6. Rainy afternoons I’d sometimes pull out a container of cheap “made in Taiwan” plastic monsters and dinosaurs that I’d collected a dime at time from coin-op vending machines. Drop in a coin, twist the dial, and get a plastic egg shaped container with a critter inside.

What do plastic monsters and dinosaurs like to do? Team up and fight to the death for new good reason. That’s what. Dialog was mostly triumphant roars and the whimpers of the mortally wounded waiting for their death blows. And after the pink and yellow colored dudes, and silly looking dudes with lobster claws, or the dudes that got broken and were fighting injured went to the great monster bin in the sky, some righteous blue colored dragon or tyrannosaurus would be the ultimate monster fighting champion. And he’d be entitled to a victory stomp on the corpses of the vanquished.

I’d go back to those days in a second. Even if it meant mom would still in the next room drunk on boxed wine and ready to explode. I’d go back. So bring on Pacific Rim, I don’t care if it is geared toward 10 year old retards. I’m gonna watch it.


# posted by douchebag1
12:38 pm July, 20 creature said...

wha happen to TX v. NYC???

12:45 pm July, 20 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

DB1 done gone censored a whole thread critical of his love of Trayvon and Muslim anti-heroes. I gotta write that shit all over again? OK. In the meantime…….


12:53 pm July, 20 douchebag1 said...

Will repub tomorrow, Creatch, had a premature publication.

12:54 pm July, 20 douchebag1 said...

All comments will remain intact. Like John Wayne Bobbit’s peen. Wait, we still make Bobbit peen references, right? Is this 1997 and I’m Howard Stern?

1:10 pm July, 20 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Here’s a youtube vid to while away the hours on a lazy Saturday afternoon: Bikini Butt Lift Home Workout.

3:02 pm July, 20 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

I followed IRA Darth Aggie’s link and just kept clicking the related videos. Wasted my whole day.

9:29 pm July, 20 Douchble Helix said...

Wait, you mean I *don’t* have the ability to see into the future?


Anybody wanna buy some gold?

10:09 am July, 21 DarkSock said...

butt lift

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