Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Igor Bag is droppin' chromosomes like they hot, and pickin' up Milfs like they not

…Whilst his envious cousin Slav Darkly fumes in the background.

This tawdry scene, replete with DuckFace™, makes me despair.

Which rhymes with “pear”.

Which begs the question – if you squeeze a grape-colored pear, will she let out a little wine?

# posted by Bagnonymous
6:14 am August, 20 DarkSock said...

Replete, I says.

6:22 am August, 20 Douchble Helix said...

I think each of those girls is spending the night with someone new.


Good for them!

6:33 am August, 20 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

Do not check out this facebook page if you are trying to avoid Pear this week. https://www.facebook.com/#!/yeahshesquats?hc_location=stream

7:18 am August, 20 DarkSock said...

Yeah, y’all don’t bother clicking on OTD’s link. Cuz youse gonna be seeing a lot a them fanny shots throughout the week. It’s a goldmine of pristine turd choppers.


In attestation to breaking the hunnert mark with riffs on Lurchie McStilts last night I decided to promulgate said fete by giving up three precious pear pics, only to have Karma replenish said repository of suppository clenches.


I am rationing out a couple DB pics a day; if any a youse is sitting on a stash of pics then be cool and slip me some wool; send to darksok at the gmail thing. Thatta way it gives me enough excess to post HCwDB After Dark™, which is a dog whistle for “PearPalooza”.


Promulgate, I says.


And why am I talking like DoucheyWallnuts™ all’s a sudden?

8:22 am August, 20 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Them MILFs look like they have some Twats on ’em.

8:23 am August, 20 DoucheyWallnuts said...

It’s, “Take Your Re-tard to a Club Night.”

8:30 am August, 20 DoucheyWallnuts said...

@Sock I have an infective patois. Patois, I says.

8:55 am August, 20 Douchble Helix said...

Good grief!


There’s another half dozen shaved craniums, just like Slav’s.

9:02 am August, 20 Crucial Head said...

Hatie, Myrna, and Ethel made much mirth backstage with the lead singer of Symptom of a Downs.

9:03 am August, 20 killdoucher said...

igor is doin the squashbug!

9:15 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

I’ve had the chopped liver and, MEH!, it left me gassy , like the chick behind me

9:20 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

“I shaved my ballsack for this?”

9:21 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

Pink Dress: I barfed up every meal this week for this?”

9:22 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

Morose thug in back : “I killed my mother for the $37 in her purse for this?”

9:23 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

Striped sweathog in back : “I blew the bouncer for this?”

9:31 am August, 20 Bag Em Tag Em said...



photo section is all yours….

9:33 am August, 20 Crucial Head said...

Cowbag’s From Hell


Happy birthday to Dimebag Darrell.



11:26 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

There once was a boychoad derp

Who spoke indecipherable burp

Should lay off lactose

To improve his club pose

But it does make the goofy chicks chirp

11:30 am August, 20 Vin Douchal said...

A head shot with a large bat

Froze Igor’s face just like that

It makes him seem sad

And his eyesight is bad

Tells chicks that he’s seen combat

12:14 pm August, 20 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Irvine Welsh Jr. looks like he’s about to do a little trainspotting on Igor with his mates after another brew.

12:24 pm August, 20 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Why do envision if there were sound to this pic is would be like the following:


8:06 pm August, 20 Douchesdownunder said...

I see no hots at all in this photo

1:12 am August, 21 Wheezer said...


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