Sunday, February 13, 2005
Biff McGrinnis squeezes his bounty and silently mouths a prayer of thanks. I wonder what he’s thinking?
Biff McGrinnis squeezes his bounty and silently mouths a prayer of thanks. I wonder what he’s thinking?
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“Gee…I really hope this hot blonde doesn’t turn out to have a penis like the last one did. Why does that keep happening?”
“Where ARE all the hand towels?”
“I sure hope the spinner is into piss.”
“What a place this Vegas is. I met these standing at the urinals.”
“I hope my missing nut doesn’t frighten them.”
“Wow, in just a few minutes I’ll be handcuffed to the metal rings on the wall behind me, wearing nothing but little girl panties and go-go boots, with a set of jumper cables attached to my nipples, while these two douse me with lamp oil and beat me with a rubber hose. All this for only eighteen-hundred bucks!”
Hey rev
Here’s a little sumthin’ for you and the Mrs.
And we get one step closer to societal abyss
“The last guy I hired from Glamor Shots made me look like I was with a pair of trannies. I hope that doesn’t happen this time.”
“These are the two nicest girls I EVER met in the men’s room!”
“I’m wondering if that puddle I’m standing in is from me or one of them.”
“That’s right! I, uh, I AM Richard Branson.”
I would have commented on the last post.
Bring your Tranny to Work Day was a huge success at the East LA Jiffy Lube.
Say what you will about the gays, but they do have pretty good taste in chicks even if they do suck dick.
Rev, this Canuck could make me move to the Great White North. Do you know her?
This cum is gonna crust up my Calvins in a few minutes”
If the Viagra doesn’t kick in soon, I just wasted $1500
I said my fetish is Bronies not Bone-y Knees
AVN, “Best Three Way featuring a twink and two lesbians” award winners pose backstage prior to blowing everyone
@Douchey Wallnuts
I would like to rub her in Cannabis Oil. Would have have mentioned her sooner but I thought it may make me look like a paedophile. Hold..
Imaging a little thought balloon coming out of his head that has this image in it.
The horror!!
The sad thing is, Richard Simmons looks a lot like David Lee Roth.
O how filthy my old mind is. Damn you Douchey Wallnuts
Oh 20 year old girls how I remember you as my penis fails and Father Time has chosen me for root canals. I love you Eugenie you supple gazelle. When I used to be 20 I was quite a stoner. Joe Cocker/Bruce Springsteen and Peter Gabriel has a bastard child in 1985. True story.
If Shakespeare were alive today he would write, “Kill all the hipsters.”
The Copa De Mundo starts today with Brasil kicking off the tourney against Croatia. There will be plenty o coverage of smoking hott’s rooting on the countries. Here’s a little taste from the last WC.
I lasted 40-seconds with Marrilard. The guy is a cross between Ace Freehley and Mike Reno. Mullets and synthesizers; the scourge of the 80s.
As far as Eugenia goes, I put the hard in Bouchard.
Chilean women are known to have Vagina Dentata.
@The Reverend Chad Kroeger
Yessir, Rev, we make ’em fine down here. Plenty running around like Eugenie.
“Maybe I can charge them to another room”
I have a Summer’s Bone for the soccer fangirls.
I forgot to copy and paste Eugenie the first 35 times I watched her. Oh youthful bodies where have ye gone. Gone to hookers everyone. Where will an old man bone? Where will an old man bone?
Prostate Checks.
Why does God keep saving fucking Tracy Morgan?
So did this page (below) get all of its pics from HCwDB? Or just 7 of 8?