Soc and Friends
You gotta give it up to the legend. Not only can he maintain the oiliest head this side of Halliburton, but his hair is neatly organized for harvesting in the Fall.
And his friend.
It’s hard to put this pic up with a HCwD of the Month contest going on because it’s douchitude might overwhelm the senses of all of us (and prevent voting), but what the hell. It’s Monday, and I need a good ‘bag slap in the face.
What’s that?
Soc, you want to say something?
Socrates: All we are is dust in the wind, dude. Just like my D&G chained up douchitude. And while my Nordic flat topped friend may overwhelm, that’s no excuse not to vote for the HCwD of the Month.
Well said, Soc. Well said.