
    Monday, February 4, 2013

    Martini Mel Deftly Spends His Unemployment Checks on Carrie


    If there’s one thing Martini Mel has learned since the North Hollywood Staples laid him off in late 2011, it’s that it’s not the size of the unemployment check that counts, it’s the relocation of the party from overpriced clubs to his parents’ porch area and careful targeting of discounted product purchasing, that best makes the ladies swoon.

    Good on you, Martini Mel. I’d almost give you a notta, but I’m in a bad mood these days since I don’t get remotely enough good submissions to keep this site running with the quality control of the old days.

    Carrie’s back arch offers the taut skin of lickle suckle lime soda pooch.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, November 6, 2012

    Israeli Etan Show You Smooth Pec, No?

    Later, Israeli Etan show Cornfed Kimmy Sisters his uzi!

    Get it?

    Get it?


    It a metaphor!

    For penis!

    What you not like Etan jokes? You got a problem, bro? Let take it outside.

    # posted by douchebag1