The Virginity Hit

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    “The Virginity Hit”

    Sony Pictures’ The Virginity Hit, opening in limited release, is sponsoring HCwDB all this month, so show our supporters some love by checking out the site and the movie.

    Or, to get you to check it out, I could just write Boobies!

    Because who doesn’t click on boobies?

    A low budget raunchy teen comedy, the word so far is good and the preview looks like classic 1980s sex-com. And lots and lots of boobies. Are you listening, crappy PG-13 lameass teen comedies? This is the way it should be. Boobies and nerds trying to get laid.

    Check it out, and tell an HCwDB supporter that you love them in a deep and meaningful way, and want to fondle their pets.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, September 10, 2010

    “The Viriginity Hit:” Opens Today

    Sony Pictures’ The Virginity Hit is sponsoring HCwDB all this month, show our supporters some love by checking out the site and the movie.

    It opens today in “select theaters.”

    I’ve always wanted to say that. “Select theaters.” Sort of implies the other theaters that aren’t showing the movie are lame and classless. Which, of course, they are.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Saturday, September 4, 2010

    The Virginity Hit: September 10th

    I’m pleased to announce that Sony Pictures’ upcoming The Virginity Hit is joining up with HCwDB this month to help get the word out on the film.

    Having been a virgin for the first seventeen years of my life, I feel especially qualified to comment on this movie.

    And while I haven’t yet seen it, the trailer looks pretty hilarious and I’m a huge fan of teen sex comedies. Especially those hard-R 1980s teen comedies that pretty much shaped Western culture as we know it today, forming the building blocks of our entire generation’s understanding of sexuality, gender and panties poke.

    I’m talking nerds. Jocks. Boobies. Desperate attempts to score quality Ass Pear. The way movies were meant to be ever since Thomas Edison first electrocuted an elephant back in 1903.

    Check out the trailer here.

    And check out The Virginity Hit on September 10th. Support an HCwDB sponsor. And lets bring back teen sex comedies the way they were meant to be. None of that chaste “Twilight” crap. We’re talking penis and fart jokes.

    And a fat, wisecracking best friend obsessed with the suckle thighs.

    For that is when cinema is at it’s finest.

    # posted by douchebag1