Societal Fish Slap
There are only a handful of uberdouche in the presence of high quality hott that have risen to iconic status here at HCwDB. Maybe five or six total.
An HCwDB of the Month winner and a finalist for the 2007 Douchie Award for HCwDB of the Year, Fish Slap is a true legend in scrotal fungitude. A kick in the groin to 7,000 years of social, intellectual and spiritual development.
Now we see the latest Slap developments. The head bandage triage. The chin strap drawn thinner than a female character in a Judd Apatow film. The angry Dalek laser beam trying to take him out.
For continued excellence in the field of douchal blight, we treat him as only we can.
We laugh at his scrotiness and lust after his girl’s boobs.