
    Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    Shamrock Shake Break


    Sometimes ya gotta take a moment, stop comprehending the inanity that circulates through the universe, and enjoy a tasty McDonalds Shamrock Shake.

    Yeah. That’s right.

    I said Shamrock Shake.

    Shamrock Shake.

    Say it ten times fast.

    Feel the marketing campaign’s adertisorial words coarse through your veins like so many digitized nanobots.

    For the Shamrock Shake is no mere mortal shake.

    It is divine.

    No I was not paid to post this. Nor is it an endorsement of McDonalds, which serves warmed over wildebeest shit rolled in twigs and leaves and calls it food.

    But Shamrock Shakes?


    Goes beautifully with a tasty Elliptical Pear chaser.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, May 22, 2012

    Twenty Minutes Past "Last Call"…

    As W.H. Auden once wrote:

    When the herpster glasses are aqua,

    And ‘ere the Dublin rain smells like poo,

    The bells of Montgomery clang with mourning,

    And the drunken young maiden yells “woo!”…

    # posted by douchebag1