HCwDB at the Guggenheim

    Monday, November 10, 2014

    The Grumpus Turns Away in Shame


    And, lo, the Grumpus Societal Id contemplates the hottie/douche cohabit as Rashi once studied the butterfly. And then, after due consideration, the Grumpus turns away. In sadness and in shame. She is leaving. She is leaving. But the salacious crud still remains.

    Whence our collective gaze doth consider, true enlightenment may or may not follow. It is certainly not assured.

    But we must remember that enlightenment is not the goal when poochy cup slap betwixt greasy poo choad and suckle taught lilac takes place.

    The process is the enumeration. Or so sayeth the wise ones that once twitched like prime Jerry Lewis in spasmodic temples of yore. One must look. And then one must turn away. To consider. To meditate. To ruminate. To regurgitate. And to watch DVR’d episodes of Deadliest Catch while eating Funyuns and scratching inappropriately.

    So do not judge as Grumpus refuses to gaze like carnivorous gazelle. For without averting her eyes, the stench of laundry detergent and semi-employment at the Casino buffet on the midnight to six AM shift would forever remain un-comprehended. And theretofore, unknown.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, October 31, 2013

    12 Years a Douchebag

    photo 3 (3)

    Sometimes we as a society need to confront the ugly truth about America’s douchey past.

    By facing the horrible realities of our buried legacy of country music, patriotic leg warmers, and kitten shirts.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, March 26, 2013

    "Love and Body Spray"


    I hereby deem thee an artistic amalgam of all that is smelly in greater Long Island, and hereby bequeath this image to my show at the Guggenheim in 2023.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, February 15, 2013

    Friday Haiku

    FridayHaiku Why did Mickey Mouse

    Divorce Minnie Mouse? Because she

    Was f*cking Goofy.

    Ugh.  Let’s try another:

    The two most hated

    Kinds of deviants on earth:

    Furries and Douchebags

    Senile old man drives

    his Delta Eighty-Eight on

    sidewalk, problem solved.

    — UFO Destroyers


    She won’t do Pluto

    Since the gyroscope was put

    In her Mickey Hole.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    Ridiculous hat

    huge, oversized, clowny shoes

    Mice look stupid, too.

    — Douche Wayne

    Slip blonde a Mickey

    Benzino misses the point

    His “mini” thwarted

    — Et Tu Douche?

    Vermin and Varmints

    Roam the streets of Las Vegas

    Where is Carl Spackler?

    — DoucheyWallnuts

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Friday, December 21, 2012

    HCwDB at the Guggenheim in 2023


    As many of you know, HCwDB’s crucial role in transforming understandings of art by reclaiming the image through a self-reflexive, post-postmodern rubric will eventually be acknowledged by the academic and literary canon. This will culminate with a triumphant art show at the Guggenheim Museum in 2023.

    As a result, I am preparing my yearly collections well in advance of this milestone in post-classical digital art.

    By naming each piece of reclaimed imagery as art, I am codifying the destabilization of the signifier in the age of digital reclamation.

    Of mechanical reproduction.

    Of poo.

    Along with July’s “The Halo of Avalon,” my notable artistic works from 2012 include:

    “Sheen Face”

    “Shminky and the Boob”

    “Ganja Crotch”

    Desert Strangle Strange”

    “Innocent and Poo Face”


    “Friendly Gathering on a Humid Afternoon Plus Four Prong” (a work co-created with Hermit)

    “Jack Smellington and His Korner Kameleons” (co-created with DarkSock)

    And of course, one of the most significant works of my career, “Uberbro Meltdown and Pear”

    Someday the academy will concede my genius. Until then, I’ll go on scratching myself.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    Trash Culture as Pop-Art: "Shminky and the Boob"

    It’s s sort of the HCwDB equivalent of a Jeff Koons sculpture.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    One Word Tuesday


    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, September 7, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    Kandi Kane enjoys
    Her new ‘bag stereo:
    In Douche 2.0

    This situation
    Has ruined any hope of

    — Capt. James T. Douche

    Even Jane Goodall
    couldn’t wrap her mind around
    this social construct.

    — Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche

    The Clit/Hemp combo
    Is not enough to rouse twins
    Out of drug stupor

    — DoucheyWallnuts

    She has stopped breathing
    Since the gyroscope was put
    In her Chronic Hole.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    Pot leaf on her cooch
    bondage tape on her nipples
    Bad choices ev’rywhere.

    — Morbo

    “After you bang me
    Leave your hats on this here shelf.
    These are from today.”

    — DoucheyWallnuts

    Everything they wear,
    think, speak is branded. Faces
    need branding iron.

    — Wheezer

    Hooker on the floor
    Ping ping balls fired from biznatch
    Might be injuries

    — Vin Douchal

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Tuesday, August 7, 2012

    One Word Tuesday


    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    "The Halo of Avalon"

    I proclaim this one of my greatest artworks of 2012, and title thee, “The Halo of Avalon.”

    My innovative work breaking down the hierarchy of taste culture by using found footage to offer a neo-expressionist critique of medium will continue to revolutionize conceptual critical perspectives on boobies and poo.

    I leave the specifities of critical inquiry into the aesthete of the pic to the comments threads. But know that it is, in both formal properties and conceptual thematics, a ground breaking work, and one I will proudly include at my Guggenheim show in 2023.

    # posted by douchebag1
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