HCwDB at the Guggenheim

    Tuesday, July 10, 2012

    Boobs n' Boobs

    As postmodern collision montage gave way to ironic representationalism in the early aughts, a Banksian sense of play returned under a more generalized Rauch-inspired urban political critique. This formalism, giving way to expressionist renderings of interiority, took the form of spectacle rooted in street art class-style exhibitionist critique.

    We see an equivalent with post-Gehry architecture, and certainly with boobsy mcboosal boobs. For once a diacritic sense of formalism returned, at least in a Derridean deconstructionist sense, then dudes holding rubber boobs became art followed shortly thereafter.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, April 5, 2012

    hermit's submission for HCwDB's imminent 2023 Guggenheim Exhibit

    Hallowed Site Sage “hermit” offers this sepia-toned trip down memory lane:

    “I happened upon this stunning piece, and submit it for consideration.

    I call it; “Friendly Gathering on a Humid Afternoon”

    When one views this profound work, those halcyon memories from days-gone-by flood the mind, rendering nostalgic images of Church Socials and Family Picnics, set in a far simpler time, when life moved at a slower pace and the world seemed less complicated.

    Oh, to be transformed back to those days when an open bottle of whiskey, a distended paunch and a cheering throng of well-wishers was an invitation for a fly-fumbling speed-freak with skinny thighs to perform unnatural, public sex acts under overcast skies, in the waning light of a humid, Summer evening!

    An unpretentious time, before HIV and leash laws, when homely unwed mothers pushed their bastard children in wobbly baby-strollers down peaceful dirt roads, and friendly Irish Setters walked unfettered among the revelers.

    This Norman Rockwell-esqe depiction of late-seventies Amerikanna is a balm to the troubled soul, and would be a fine addition to any exhibit.”



    EDIT: Hark!! Uponst my walkabout I heard a disturbance in the HCwDB Force. I come hither out of my alcholic HoHo sugar-rush induced stupor to discover: Hippie Peen. And so I summon the unholy force of 4-Prong to cover said peen. And the universe is whole again… and walkabout continues… as you are in the fine hands of the one and only ‘Sock…

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Monday, April 2, 2012

    Jack Smellington and his Korner Chameleons Disapprove of Vinnie DP's Loss to Enrique…

    Escaped Laundry Gimp Jack Smellington disapproves of Enrique’s trouncing of his home-skillet Vinnie for the weekly, and to a lesser extent, so do his suicide grrlz.

    However, after summarily dismissing this Incredible Sulk I would then offer to console Raven  Mid-Riff and Raccoon-Eyed Susan with a good ol’ fashioned Kraft Mayonnaise rub-down, just like my Uncle used to give all us tykes before he was sent up to the Mississippi Nervous Hospital at Whitfield.

    Now begone, Jack Smellington…nobody puts boobies in a corner.

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    "Innocence and Poo Face"

    A solid entrant for the 2012-era period of HCwDB found art aesthetics that will eventually find celebration in my triumphant exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum in 2023.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, February 9, 2012

    Uberbro Meltdown

    Forget adding up the signifiers. The douche counting machine just melted down into a pile of toxic poo.

    There is no coming back from witnessing this atrocity.

    We are all through the rabbit hole now.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Herpster Henry, Bright Eyed Brigitte, and the Hand of the Collective Unconscious

    Possible nominee for my 2023 Art Show at the Guggenheim Museum?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Caption This Pic

    Cynthia’s “Ferrari Owner With Small Peen Detector” never failed her when funds were low.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    Confusionland with Douchey Juan and Monica

    This pic is surreal, confounding, bizarre and kind of makes me want to huddle up under my bed and wonder if the universe really is infinite, what happens when you go really, really far in one direction. Does it just get dark?


    Belt buckle as a substitute for a bikini top is both genius and Bleethy. On Monica, a quality uberhott that I must gnaw on, it is both boobie celebratory and yet awkwardly constricting and stupid.

    So I’m confused there.

    Then there’s Douchey Juan, who helped me fix my engine trouble at Pep Boys, so I kinda don’t want to mock him too harshly.

    And the lineup of shirtless Meatheads waiting to go into the rock bathroom just perplexes me.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    Caption This Pic

    Vinny’s fat sucking techniques were unorthodox, but the results were undeniable.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, October 29, 2010

    “Virgin Arm #38”

    When the art world has finally recognized my genius for the recontextualization of the found image in the age of the simulacrum, and I am awarded my first major gallery show at the Guggenheim in 2023, this will be one of the pieces I will select as part of my installation.

    I title this “Virgin Arm #38.”

    In the age where auteur theory is dead and post-structuralism has destabilized meaning structures beyond signification, it is generative contextualization that marks the new avant-garde.

    # posted by douchebag1
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