Monday, February 14, 2005

Friday Haiku

Stay Puft Marshmallow man is a doucheEven in disguise Rob Ford gets busted by press Drunk up in some bar.

What ia going on Wth Stay Puft’s crotch? Clearly he Is not Jewish, Oi!

They gone Ghostbusters Since the gyroscope was put In her Monkey Hole. It puts the fire in
The basket or it gets the
Hose. The Marshmall Hose.

Jacques Doucheteau said…

After seeing this Photo,

Harold Ramis died

Of embarrassment.

DoucheyWallnuts said…

Sta Puft Moose Knuckle

Gives me nightmares. Kills

my wood Trannies scare me, too

Charles Douchewin said…

Later, in men’s room

stay-puff weird-o enjoys it,

when they cross the streams.

Vin Douchal said…

Fluffy sugar mons

Gives Pillsbury CEO

Cold sweat and nightmares

Magnum Douche P.I. said…

Stay Puft douchebag asks

“Want to taste marshmallow fluff ?”

Gets tranny’s gut punch

# posted by admin
4:34 am June, 13 Capt. James T. Douche said...

What ia going on
Wth Stay Puft’s crotch? Clearly he
Is not Jewish, Oi!

4:35 am June, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

They gone Ghostbusters
Since the gyroscope was put
In her Monkey Hole.

4:37 am June, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

It puts the fire in
The basket or it gets the
Hose. The Marshmall Hose.

4:40 am June, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Little White Ginger
Hoodie is giving me the
Ginger eye coitus.

4:41 am June, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Insomnia is
The Devil’s Playground. Take heed
And sleep, perchance to………

4:46 am June, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

The enemy is winning
Seeing visions of urban plans.
Divisions they say…

5:43 am June, 13 Jacques Doucheteau said...

After seeing this
Photo, Harold Ramis died
Of embarrassment.

11:04 am June, 13 dickie fingers said...

Christmas in Vegas
Sta Puft requests a freebie
Hookers take offense

11:32 am June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Sta Puft Moose Knuckle
Gives me nightmares. Kills my wood
Trannies scare me, too

11:44 am June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

White Party in Hell
Trannies and movie icons
Serve Satan and pose

11:46 am June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Sta Puft sent to Hell
For stepping on a church whilst
In a drunken rage

11:50 am June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

If Ray thought of this
The Ghostbusters’ Proton Packs
Wouldn’t have sufficed

11:54 am June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

There is no Dana
There is only Zuul, Sta Puft
And these two Trannies

12:24 pm June, 13 Charles Douchewin said...

Later, in men’s room
stay-puff weird-o enjoys it,
when they cross the streams.

1:11 pm June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Punch to jejunum
In an attempt to dislodge
Swallowed ass polyp

1:28 pm June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Gozer had sex change
Trans-dimensional Tranny
This man has no dick

2:27 pm June, 13 dickie fingers said...

Oh, me so angry
scarf to hide adams apple
touch by Sta Puft guy

3:21 pm June, 13 Vin Douchal said...

Fluffy sugar mons
Gives Pillsbury CEO
Cold sweat and nightmares

3:23 pm June, 13 Vin Douchal said...

The air bags inflate
When MMA chick throws right
Bubble boy lives on

3:25 pm June, 13 Vin Douchal said...

Lisa Guerrero
Career in tank since Playboy
Cosplay fetish porn

3:29 pm June, 13 Vin Douchal said...

Redhead knows secret
Stays Puft too long when sexing
“Hey , are you done yet?”

3:31 pm June, 13 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Stay Puft douchebag asks
“Want to taste marshmallow fluff ?”
Gets tranny’s gut punch

7:13 pm June, 13 Et Tu Douche? said...

Oranjeboom To Flow
Orange Panties Will Be Dropped
Salvador Will Rock

7:44 pm June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

A Fluffernutter
By any other name would
Still is disgusting

7:44 pm June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

^still be disgusting

7:57 pm June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Vinz Clortho and Zuul
Haven’t had this much fun since
They tag teamed Gozer

8:10 pm June, 13 Wheezer said...

Check out the low right:
Viggo the Crossdressian
river of pink slime.

8:56 pm June, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I see you Viggo.
Your waxed stache and cock n’ balls
Can be seen afar.

10:42 pm June, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

I have that suit. When I wear it it looks like Larry from the Three Stooges’ Head.

4:12 pm June, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

An anagram for kaiser size is oprahs giant clit

9:17 pm June, 16 Vin Douchal said...

Where’s the other end of that swimsuit go? Up yer keester with a little ball or plug to hold it in place?
What if you hang right? Can you flip it around? What happens if your cock is bigger than a 7 year old’s. And by bigger than a 7 year old’s I mean the fagalas modeling them things?
What kind of an attention seeking self absorbed twat do you have to be to wear that? Where do you hold your keys, wallet and cell phone?
And…. what happens if you get a wee bit aroused? hmmm?

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