Fraiku: Swole Edition
SwoleBro scores Blonde Hott.
Ego is also swollen;
He bangs her sister.
Penis and nipple
have much in common. Both are
limp and pancake shaped.
It puts the skank in
The basket, or it gets the
Hose. The Valtrex Hose.
Mad Men head on Swole
Bro body leaves me confused.
But nipple leaves me…
with the urge to barf!
How can he be so swole and
possess flapjack nip?
Can dead lift V-Dub
Though frequently forgets mom’s
Address where he lives
He finished second
In gynecomastia
Contest. She won first
Like Grandma used to say:
All swole’ arms and peanut head,
Makes Jack a dull boy
Does this mean that porch
beef has twice the calories
as regular beef?
Brole™ flashes piece sign
Blonde Hott is thinking “Shocker?
Out here by the pool?”
Even Bob Barker
would donate money to get
these two neutered, sons.
Cement head admits
“Two lumps on left testicle
Who cares though, I’m swole”
Penis and nipple
have much in common. Both are
limp and pancake shaped.
His nipples hang low
Since the gyroscope was puy
In her Stinky hole.
Donatella and her
Brother Finocchio ate too
Much white linguini.
Makes the nips sag with all the water and shit. Fuck you guys.
Mad Men head on Swole
Bro body leaves me confused.
But nipple leaves me…
with the urge to barf!
How can he be so swole and
possess flapjack nip?
17 (will get you 20).
Can dead lift V-Dub
Though frequently forgets mom’s
Address where he lives
Meatball displays “two”
Which is the number of years
Took to pass grade three
Dude is wicked swole
Umad Bro? R U ‘mirin
Stackhouse’s nephew
It puts the skank in
The basket, or it gets the
Hose. The Valtrex Hose.
Vegas pool soon knows
Of Bernoulli’s principle
Arms empty hot tub
Friday comes early
in the land of the dark sock.
Rejoice and mock well
Speaking of Valtrex,
Paris Hilton looks ragged
Drapes match the carpet
Cement head admits
“Two lumps on left testicle
Who cares though, I’m swole”
“Two” is the amount
of drinks that he bought bleeth to
get poolside blowjob
She dripped brown discharge
In basket after she got
The hose. The Puss Hose
He finished second
In gynecomastia
Contest. She won first
Dystopian pool
Scene in present day Vegas
Societal loss
Nobody told them
It’s not 1992
Anymore. Douchebags
Her piss flaps are swole
Since the gyroscope was put
In her Monkeyhole
Like Grandma used to say:
All swole’ arms and peanut head,
Makes Jack a dull boy
One consolation
Dude won’t post takedown comment
He can’t do the math
18, I think
Bro got swole after
after always getting beat
up as home schooler.
M Theory dimensions
Manga Pupa tale –
Utsutsu has gone swole and
Yume eats his arm!
True story, no shit. Sons.
This site is like the
Herpes. Ignore it, pick its
Scab. Won’t go away.
Like the Gotti boys,
The site sprays orange and
Vile heads. I like it.
Does this mean that porch
beef has twice the calories
as regular beef?
9 luft balloons
Do the two fingers
indicate that both like to
double stuffed, sons?
‘Roids make swole biceps
But it comes with heavy price:
Shriveled raisin balls
Brole™ flashes piece sign
Blonde Hott is thinking “Shocker?
Out here by the pool?”
The road to the Hall
of Scrote, is paved with lame douche.
Go big, or go home.
Addition is for those who can’t take it.
The most insipid site on the internet:
^ Gives up, throws acid in eyes, and starts to bang head slowly on desk.
fuccen kill me now 17 times
Biceps as big as
ego. Income and brains the
size of his small balls.
17 yet again
Even Bob Barker
would donate money to get
these two neutered, sons.
two dozen
SwoleBro nods smugly
Number two at the gang bang
Better than last week
Shit pile up front. Dogs
And donkeys bay at moon. Turds
Run up and down legs.
ISIS ain’t got shit
On this pic. Lowly lie the
Weak and weak bladdered.
Kardashians can’t
Wipe own fat asses. Marry
Retards to wipe Poo.
Waxed eyebrows, shaved chest
Check, check. Tribal band tatt, check
Bleeth Tranny, check pants
A gynecomastia contest is very competitive, but at last summer’s West African Ebola Tournament, champion Ngombi Timbuktu, projected a stream of diarrhea four and a half meters.
I also like to burn my thighs with cigarettes and nail polish.
Ngombi aint got shit on me..
DB1’s at it again, posting shit at the Home Office in the form of a Sunday Matinee video. I’m convinced that HCwDB is resurging and will return to its former glory by mid-December and shit. Sons.
^ “Give me your fratchoads, your scrotewanks,
Your bleethy asses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of Amërïkä’s shore.
Send these, the douchey, socially-lost to me,
I lift my lämp beside this website’s door!”
^ Amen, Chuck.
Would you do the blonde in this video?
My dog’s ghost told me you would know the answer.
c.c. Mothership