Monday, March 14, 2005
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Ah but yes…noted artiste James Abbott McNeill Whistler. He has nothing to do with this preppy douche, who should be pushed into a tire fire.
Since we’re dealing with random bon mots, here’s:
Bon Appetit!
Imagine if you will…
I think Sock got his Adderall and Ambien mixed up again.
I wuz drunk’d
Those confused douche-faces would be fine, if they were just served these burgers.
High Bag’/Hott ratios are hard on the eyes.
Why couldn’t it have been these two in an elevator with Ray Rice?
Too late?
OK maybe I will move to Canada.
Payday at the ReaLemon juice factory finds Serge and Himie with enough for the club cover charge and a Corona.
“Please, please no lime. Please”
Mirror Pear, Madonna Mia!