Monday, March 14, 2005

James Abbott McNeill Whistler

The Lemon BrothersAh but yes…noted artiste James Abbott McNeill Whistler. He has nothing to do with this preppy douche, who should be pushed into a tire fire.

Since we’re dealing with random bon mots, here’s:

Bare Pear

Pair Pear

Mirror Pear

Bon Appetit!

# posted by admin
4:32 pm September, 10 Ed Hardy Har Har said...


Imagine if you will…

6:37 pm September, 10 Dickie Fingers said...

I think Sock got his Adderall and Ambien mixed up again.

2:44 am September, 11 admin said...

I wuz drunk’d

11:45 am September, 11 Charles Douchewin said...

Those confused douche-faces would be fine, if they were just served these burgers.
High Bag’/Hott ratios are hard on the eyes.

4:02 pm September, 11 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Why couldn’t it have been these two in an elevator with Ray Rice?
Too late?

5:51 pm September, 11 hermit said...

OK maybe I will move to Canada.

12:38 am September, 12 Vin Douchal said...

Payday at the ReaLemon juice factory finds Serge and Himie with enough for the club cover charge and a Corona.
“Please, please no lime. Please”

11:23 am September, 12 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Mirror Pear, Madonna Mia!

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