Friday, October 13, 2006

Douche Aura

In spotting a douchebag, there are the obvious signs we’ve grown to know and love (and by “love” I mean spew). But this pic illustrates something I’d like to term Douche Aura. Douche Aura (D.A.) is even more subtle than the tonguebag or the douche-face. It exists on an ethereal plane that can only be approached obliquely and through much zen douche practice.

In glancing at this white shirted pudgy pile of poo here, you might say, “DB1, where’s the bling? Where’s the earings and hand gestures? How is this mole a douchebag?”

Aha. I’ll show you.

Simply squint your eyes and tilt your head. Now glance at the pic again. If you’re lucky, if you’re one of the chosen few, you’ll begin to see something flickering around the edges of his body. A gelly, Old Spice type of energy field that reeks of a closet full of porn and six popped collar Izods.

Do you see it? That, my friends, is Douche Aura.

As to the cheesecake, I’ll have a slice with strawberries, thanks.

# posted by douchebag1

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