Tongue Monkey
It’s hard to compete with the genius of Donkey Douche, but this pic is a nice Friday chaser. You could show this pic to Gandhi and he’d advocate violence, nihilism and sadism. This pic lauched the Pelopenesian War. It started the influenza plague of 1918.
Okay, maybe it’s not that bad. But it ain’t good. I’d describe it as a series of electric impulses, pixelated 1s and 0s, that form a digital spear to my groin. That tongue itself is a weapon of psychological mass destruction.
The lithe brunette makes apple pie taste better. And as to the girl in blue on the left, to paraphrase an eloquent poster in the comments thread, boobs.
Another fantastic week of pics, thanks to all who are sending in submits. If I don’t get back to you, it’s only because I’m trying to get chocolate HoHo stains out of my ratty t-shirt. Have pity on a hung over douchebag. Unless, it’s this tongue monkey. In which case, kick him in the nads and set his eyebrows on fire.