Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Barbarella and Evil Kirk 'Bag

It’s hard to argue that Trekkie Nerds fall anywhere within the douchebag oeuvre. Since part of the ‘bag attribute is the ability to at least locate within a spacialized hot chick locale, Trek geeks can’t really be classified within a larger scrote discourse.

However this blondie has made numerous appearances on this site (if she’s who I think she is). And therefore I post this pic of her in her sci-fi’d getup to honor ultimate hotness, and dub her, “Barbarella.”

As to Na-Nu-Na-Nu, that upturned hair and mysterious “side” positioning for his ode to geekdom suggest the presence of lurking Evil Kirk ‘Bag within. Perhaps he mind melded with Donkey Douche, and finds his DNA irretrievably altered by the experience. Regardless, I’m going stage-1 ‘Bag on this choad.

I would wrap Barbarella in a late 60s shag carpet until Logan-5 and the rest of the Sandmen came looking for Sanctuary.

# posted by douchebag1

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