Ghost Rider
The Ghost’s love of lollipops on display once again, rivaled only by his love of greasy douchiness. We might need to form a Hall of Scrote committee hearing on The Ghost’s entry. Note the ear/neck tat and oiled up forehead you could fry bacon on. That’s a pretty impressive run of douchebaggery.
And of course, the rare ‘Bag Lollipop Gesture #02, in which scrotitude is demonstrated by using a lollipop and a camera pose to attempt hottie tongueing. Definitely notable.
And yes, that appears to be Tissue Hottie, aka Maggie, aka Stewartbag’s Hottie, suggesting one of my ‘bag hunters drilled into a potent stream while searching for scrote that has borne much fruit.
And by fruit I mean poo.