Grease His Pain
I never understood why they cut out that scene from early cuts of “Field of Dreams” where Kevin Costner drives to Jersey after the voices in the field tell him to “Grease His Pain.” I read that they filmed it but in editing they felt that a side treck to help a douchebag recover from his oily stench wouldn’t fit with the larger motif of a man’s struggle to make peace with his dead father’s memory.
Too bad.
Apparently this low slung half unbuttoned country shirt, fake gold necklace and hair implant forehead line seem to work wonders with the cuties. If You Grease it, They Will Come.
As to the power of this poobag’s douche force, it is strong. Quite strong. That blue bikini reveal on Terri Hatcher Hottie appears to defy all known laws of the universe in its anti-gravitational suspension. And for that I say God bless you Richard Feynman. Without violating the known laws of physics, hottie panties would have no means by which to levitate.