It’s been awhile since we’ve had some true Jesus Bling on the site. I was beginning to think dog-tags had permanently replaced that ‘bag accessory. Then again, maybe word on the douche-shift hasn’t filtered all the way up the scrote hierarchy to reach Mac here.
OldBags often achieve antihero status on the site, but methinks Mac will, like Yellowtail, simply disturb.
Love that shirt, Mac. I also love Hillary Swank hottie on the right, and Perky’s abs on the left could sterilize a sea lion. They are tutto buono.
Yup, Mac and his two lovelies are a nice absurdist pic to start my weekend off with. Last night the DB1 got drunk, and while still recovering from a mild flu, that was not such a good idea. So today I park my ass on the floor, watch T.V., and enjoy a nice bag of Joe-Joes and milk. Which pretty much makes it just like every other day.