The Wifebeater
One of the classic visual signifiers of the bar crawling douchebag, perhaps the clearest way to announce “I am scrote!” outside of the full removal of shirt, is the “muscle-t wifebeater + bling” look.
Harkoning back to the Holy Grieco’s early 1990s heyday, this classic ‘bag look is simply the most overt announcement of greasy douchebaggery there can be. As Saussure noted in his study of semiotics, the visual codes of the wifebeater operate as “signified,” they suggest a meaning structure of pure douchebaggery outside of the visual mode of the cloth itself. Seen anywhere outside of a rerun of COPS, the muscle-t codes a ‘bag as a Rocker Greaseball wannabe who thinks his oily shoulders will help him score hotness.
Which is simply absurd. What beautiful hottie who could snag anyone in the world would fall for a greased up oil generating machine in a Kid-Rock blinged out wifebeater?
looking at pic again
I will now hang myself.