Welcome Sponsors: vividseats.com and Mate1.com
I’d like to welcome two sponsors to the site this month, Vividseats.com a sports and concert ticket broker, and Mate1.com. These sites and our other sponsors will help to keep the hottie/scrotey mocking coming, so check ’em out and help keep HCwD running.
Cowbag here welcomes both sponsors to the site, and if you need tickets to an event or a hottie to take to said event, both sponsor sites should have you covered. Presumably as a fan of the site, vividseats.com will not be offering tickets to see Bluntbag, but you never know.
And if anyone else would like to advertise here on HCwD, you can click via the Blogads link on the left or drop me a line at douchebag1@hotchickswithdouchebags.com
It’s been amazing to see the site grow so rapidly as our sociological and semiotic critique of hottie/douchebaggery enters its second stage of critical analysis. Rest assured fellow ‘bags, ‘bag hunters and hotties, our hunt to root out the spreading mold that is scrote/cutie comingling, wherever it tries to hide, has just begun.
Hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll be rolling out some new features on the site to make it more interactive and to better enable our collective judgement of the hotties and grill sporting wankoffs to shine. I’m still working out the details as we speak, but good things are in store.