Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Dada Bag


I often like to think of the perfect HCwD hottie/douchey pic as a form of 21st century dadaist art. Something Marcel Duchamp would stick on a bicycle wheel and call “Douche Wheel.”

Take this couple right here. Stare at them long enough and any notions of their human form quickly denatures. They become abstract. Out of time. Removed from all reality.

They become dada. Irrational, frivolous and silly.

Spikey haired tight-jacket wank has the anti-aesthetic revulsion of a modern art movement. His porcupine head and ginormous chin echo the surrealist masterpieces of Dali and Ernst. He confuses and astounds with his illogical surreal douchitudte.

He is dadouche.

Midwestern Turtleneck makes me want to rub up and down on the wall. I’d Man Ray her Klee. I’d Picasso her Braque. I’d, uhm, paint her boobies.

# posted by douchebag1

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