Friday, March 30, 2007

The Dharma 'Bag

I’m not sure where we went wrong. At what historical point we split off from the potential for a Utopian future of enlightenment and instead descended into the cultural train-wreck that is this absolutely soul shredding slice of swirling sexy and sewage.

Yeah, I’m down with alliteration.

We’ve featured Buddha ‘Bags on the site before, but this may be the douche equivalent of the Bliss State. Dharma ‘Bag has achieved douche transcendence. He teaches The Four Douchey Truths and offers us the Eightfold Path. Unfortunately, that path leads to uber-douche. I’m transformed through six levels of douche-consciousness just comprehending that this pic exists.

Or maybe it’s that glimpse of tanned lower back that sings of the potential to right our societal ship before we iceberg across the bow of velvet choads and asymmetric facial scruff. Both of those fantastic glimpses, of shoulder and hip, restores hope for the future. It makes Nietzsche believe in God and inspires frogs to line-dance in Saskatchewan.

There remains a glimpse of utopian potential. And if I choose to find it in a backside I’d like to slobber on for a weekend, then so be it.

# posted by douchebag1

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