Champagne Superdouchebag IV
Champagne Super-D, aka Michael J. Fox ‘Bag, received some love on the site last summer, and by love I mean pink Killers t-shirts. Check out his scrotey party ways
here here, and here.
Looking at those three pics in succession was like being punched in the face by a giant inflatable boxing glove. Filled with yak spittle. I feel dirty, cold, emotionally unfulfilled and spiritually bereft of direction. Or, for the cheap seats, like I have leeches attached to my ballsack.
And I’m not just posting this pic because the submitter is a total hottie model type who promised to hang with me when next she’s in L.A.
You bought that, right? That I didn’t post the pic to score brownie points with a hot model?
Yeah. You’re just saying that.