Thursday, April 5, 2007
Welcome to HCwDB!!
I suppose now’s as good a time as any to welcome all the new traffic coming to the site from the recent mentions on Thrillist, Gawker and I Love Bacon. So welcome! And by welcome I mean boobies.
Maybe you’re wondering what we do around here? If so, reread the banner at the top of this page.
You’ll find there’s a lot of strange terms we use around here, things like “The Grieco Virus,” “Bleething” and “Cleavite.” Most of these terms are semi self explanatory, but if you get confused you can always check out the HCwDB FAQ. Not everything’s answered there, because after all, I’m the biggest douchebag there is. Well, maybe not as big as Donkey Douche. But a close second. Well, maybe not as big as Xenu either, but I’m still a big-ass scrote.
If you’ve got a great pic of a hottie/douchey combo or if you’re a hot chick and you just want to say hi, drop me a line at douchebag1@hotchickswithdouchebags.com. If you want me to run a pic busting on your best friend douching it up, I take bribes in the form of bottles of Night Train or packages of Tasty Hostess HoHos, everyone’s favorite sweet snack treat.
If you’re in a pic and upset, yes you can email me and I will take it down, but not before mocking you and your pansy-ass wussiness. So buck up and stop whining. It’s still your douchey ass in the pic with a cutie and not mine.
For those visiting from the cubicle/work hell that most of us find ourselves in, you can always use the alternate URL for the site, http://www.hcwdb.com. And be sure to check out the comments threads under each pic I post, the cast of regulars dissects the hottie/douchey wrongness with the laser scalpel of inspired pixelated shredding on a daily basis.
Also, I’m now up on myspace at myspace.com/hotchickswithdouchebags, so add me and I’ll add you back.
Ours is a dark yet hilarious yet boobie filled undertaking, and I hope you’ll join up with us on this mission, nay compulsion to shine the cleansing light of ridicule on the cultural wrongness of the HC and DB commingling. Thanks again to everyone emailing, keep the comments coming.
We study the hottie/scrotey because we must mock. We mock because we love. We love because we’re half drunk on cheap wine and HoHos. Or is that just me?
Thursday, April 5, 2007The Leech
Leeches are annelids comprising the subclass Hirudinea. There are fresh water, terrestrial and marine leeches. Like their near relatives, the Oligochaeta, they share the presence of a clitellum. Like earthworms, leeches are hermaphrodites. The medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, which is native to Europe, and its congeners have been used for clinical bloodletting for thousands of years.
All leech species are carnivorous. Some are predatory, feeding on a variety of hotties such as bartenders, strippers, and local hoochies, while a very few are haemophagic parasitic blood-sucking leeches, feeding on the blood of vertebrates such as amphibians, reptiles, waterfowl, fish, and mammals (including humans). The most important predators on leeches are fish, aquatic insects, crayfish and other leeches specialized for predation on leeches.
Haemophagic leeches attach to their hosts and remain there until they become full, at which point they fall off to digest. Leeches’ bodies are composed of 34 segments. They all have an anterior (oral) sucker formed from the first six segments of their body, which is used to connect to a host for feeding, and are known to release an anaesthetic to remain unnoticed by the host. They use a combination of mucus and suction (caused by concentric muscles in those six segments) to stay attached and secrete an anti-clotting enzyme into the host’s blood stream.
Some species of leech will nurture their douchebaggery, exhibiting facial pube configurations, extensive bling, tongue piercings and tribal tats, which is unusual behavior in an invertebrate.
Thursday, April 5, 2007Slim Douchey
I’ve felt dirty before. But usually that’s because I’m too lazy to wash my sheets or take a shower. This is dirt on the soul dirty. True douchebag Jersey uncleanedness.
Another zonked out boob grab, enough tribal tats to launch a war in the Peloponnesian islands, and Eminem ‘Bag. I can’t tell how cute Pink is because my corneas just melted from digital herpes exposure.
I do appreciate the gradient skin tones on display. It’s like a before and after photoshop demonstration. Whitey McEminem fears the sun. Oh yes he does.
Thursday, April 5, 2007America's Most Douchebagged
Height: 5’5″
Age: 20-26
Race: Douchebag
Sex: Rarely
Hat: 10 Degree Tilt
Bling: Far too much
Be on the lookout for any Tag Bodyshot purchases, extensive Backstreet Boys iPod shuffling or frequent use of the expression, “What’s up, yo?” The suspect may be armed and dangerous. If he is holding a red cup, please do not attempt to interfere. Call the tip hotline at 1-888-DeBagger.
Thursday, April 5, 2007The Costume 'Bag and Douche Transference
This pic is an excellent test case for a discussion on the notions of Douche Irony. By now we’ve all witnessed the scrotey ‘bag busting his ungodly and disturbing charms at a costume party. But does the “costume” trump the initial impulse of the douchebaggery itself? I guess what I’m asking is can we overcome the base impulses of what I term “The ‘Bag Within” through the use of irony, situational context and a claim to self referential intertextualism.
I would argue that expression of ‘baggitude, even in ironic form, operates as a form of externalization of internal douche trauma much in the way sarcasm operates more as aggression than humor. In this way the ironic ‘bag becomes the actual ‘bag simply through the affectation of the attempt. The ironic effort to coopt the tropes of the real under cover of the parody transforms the literal into the figurative, but retains the impulse of douchebaggery as its base cause. And in so doing, the figurative becomes the actual through simple semiotic transference.
So in summation, my argument is boobies.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007The Surreal Life
It’s like the Douche Circus just came to town.
A bearded choad trying to eat the nose off an absolutely gorgeous hottie, and a leering Harry Beaver appearance, a fan favorite. How is any of this possible?
Is this really happening? Or am I having a twinkie induced sugar fever-dream? It’s like a cornucopia of all the classic HCwDB tropes, yet nothing’s quite congealing into any logical form. The fact this hirsute blowish is gnawing on the cutest little blond button would be torture enough. But Harry Beaver? Where’d he come from? What’s he doing there?
And even more importantly, is he part of your In Network?
Wednesday, April 4, 2007Sulu II: The 'Bag of Khan
Still busting the Vulcan Shocker.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007Stewie
Stewie doesn’t like it when the girls try to kiss him.
Stewie gets angry when the girls try to rub his bloated, saggy stomach.
Stewie thinks girls are gross.
Stewie is in his 20s.
Stewie is a,… oh what’s the word I’m searching for… putz. I was gonna go with douchebag, but he’s not. Putz works. Lets go with putz.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007Full Metal Douchebags
Hey, look who showed up to thank you for voting them the HCwDB of the week!
Even more importantly, look who got the hell out of there as soon as she could.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007HCwDB of the Week: Douche Platoon
Another tight vote in which all three HCwDB finalists received solid arguments and excellent deconstructions and dissections by the panel discussants. It came down to one or two votes, and after applying a slightly weighted formula to discount for the possibility of multiple voting, the winner is the Douche Platoon.
Give it up to these four soldiers of scrote. Mercenaries of mold. Generals of gel.
As if inspired by a speech from Puka-Shell Patton himself, they surround their outgunned hottie and, like the painting of the Last Supper, they pose for eternity with their douchey charms on full display.
There is a touch of poetry to this picture. A moment of unearthly delight surrounded by rank douchebaggery on all sides. A statement of hope amidst dystopian blight. Of potential amidst greasy carnage.
As el douchablo makes the case:
Got to vote for the platoon. You get four uber-douchebags where each one is a competition on it’s own. They douche as a well oiled team. And with all their games and pickups they snagged an ubber hottie with a perfect body. In my mind other contestants don’t come close.
Strong points E.D. However, Velveeta ‘Bag’s Euro charms also brought him plenty of verbal bowel movements, as jeffpack9 demonstrates:
I have to go with Velveeta. Although, realistically, Eurodouche is more than likely her brother, everything about this “fella” is douche. And well, she has a sweetness to her that screams “I don’t care if you’re a douche, I love you anyway big bro!” And that’s gotta speak for something. I would vote for Platoon on any other given day, but I’ve no sympathy for her, in fact, she seems quite pleased with her score o’ scrote. And that shouldn’t be rewarded.
mitch meats opens a can of philoso whoopass and comes up Dharma:
Dharma ‘Bag: What is the sound of one douche fapping? If a bag falls in the woods when nobody is around, does anyone care? For some reason, I am envisioning a swimming pool chicken fight with one side being Dharma riding astraddle Ol’ Number Seven vs. Douche Lee atop the Donk. ‘Cause I’m just that sick. And his chicks are lovely, never underestimate the power of a nice back. OH! I just noticed the poster for Umphrey’s McGee, aka Sh@$y Jam Band #379. That pretty much seals the deal. Dharma FTW.
But nostradouchemus consulted the mystical prognosticators to settle in on the Douche Platoon:
For the frail sinner Velveeta, we must speak for him, for he has, in ignorance of his sins, provided us no voice. So we seek the truths found in this image: two fair-haired youths much as is found in far northern european lands; verily, the fairer one might respond with an effervescent “Ja!” upon looking ‘neath this monks robes (auto-flagellation followed by self-flagellation again to-night); the cigarette held in non-new world manner; and lastly, the “Hollywood” illumination also uncommon in the new world. Perhaps we might allow the Romeo of Reykjavik some dispensation -for ignornace of the standard by which he is judged- and for not putting the pork to a Bjork.
This leaves the examiner with the varied stellae de scrota collapsing inward toward the sun, our Phoebe, sol solis, puella pulchrituda. Damn the heavens if you dare, but damn these scoundrels to HCwD of the Week infamy because you must.
Excellent visionary work, Nostradouchemas. In the end, the Platoon stormed the beaches of Douchemandy and took home the win. As Disciple of Scrote sums it up:
Platoon deservedly takes the cake for me this week. they all show signs of late-stage bag syndrome here..there is NO chance of reversal at this point. I wish Tom Berrenger was there to kick each of them in the nads with his combat boots while willem dafoe eloquently lectured a speech upon the moral atrocities which these bags have committed.
Dharma ‘Bag came close, but Platoon went over the top and took home hotness. So lets give it up to the Army from Miami, raise their collective greased up jerseys to the rafters, and let ’em rest up for the monthly contest, where they will face some stiff competition. And by stiff competition, I mean something that implies stiff means penis.