Purg Hottie On the Prowl
I’m a little disappointed Purg Hottie #1 didn’t find more love on the site last week. The DB1 would toss her in an inflated swimming pool filled with Guinness, then bury his head between her shoulder blades and make soft whimpering noises until that frosty Irish brew lost its carbonation.
What is clear, besides her mercury boiling hotness, is her ability to attract rogue choad like a tractor beam.
Witness exhibit A. Choad.
It’s almost enough to drive the DB1 to drink heavily. Oh wait, correct that, it actually is enough.
So come on. Give up the love for the Hotness caught in a way-station between Heaven and Hell like some bad Keanu sci-fi flick. Purg Hottie needs your collective love. What would you do for six hours straight just for the opportunity to dry clean her sweatshirts?