The Dharma 'Bag On the Road
The Dharma ‘Bag, still smarting off his photo finish loss in this week’s HCwD of the week, wanted to come by and remind everyone to have a douchey weekend. And by douchey, he means douchey.
Proving once again, that even the pudgiest choad can attract hotties with space/time bending gravitational pull provided they adopt the douchebag tropes, Dharma ‘Bag’s holy and Zen transcendence remains inspirational, even in light of the Douche Platoon taking him down, Miami style.
But it’s all good. His blue eyed doe will be sure to simultaneously keep Dharma ‘Bag on the meditative path while glancing at us mockingly, her eyes saying it all, “Where is your God now?”
Nowhere to be seen, blue eyed doe. Nowhere to be seen, lest locusts smite the meditative Siddharta ‘Bag inspired Dharma ‘Bag. Either way, it’s one holy hell of an Eastern religious inspired douchebag mess. But at least it’s Friday. And there’s alcohol. Which proves at least something about a God. Or at least, ask me in six hours.