The Douchetron
People often ask me, DB1, what happens when the Grieco Virus reaches a terminal hybrid state of combo hottie/douchey infection? When the Bleeth has passed the point of no return?
Ah, I say.
You seek the mystical Double Bag-Head. Few have glimpsed this state of spiritual hybridity, of dual douche enmeshment and entwinement. HCwDB couples who reach this terminal state of ‘baggery are far beyond redemption. They have fused into one nuclear proton/electron state known as the douchetron. And by “douchetron” I do not mean an early 80s Disney movie featuring Jeff Bridges trapped inside a digital New Jersey.
I mean the moment at which the HC and DB fuse to create a black hole of douchitude. A singularity of wrongness. Witness exhibit A, featured here. Then avert your eyes. For the douchetron is not a sight to be stared at for any length of time without deep psychological and socioeconomic ramifications.