Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Hambag

The other day I ate a cheeseburger. It was good. Juicy and sweet.

Then I drank a 16 ounce Dr. Pepper. It was tasty.

I sat for awhile and contemplated life.

I stared out at the rain.

It’s a big world out there, I thought.

Filled with many types of ‘bags and hotties. Mingling and commingling in infinite permutations and refractions of human specificity among the larger abstract mass of humanity.

I contemplated the uniqueness of the individual. I contasted that with the army of ‘bags, the millions of wanky scrotes that trawl the earth like so many hungry bark beetles. The confused hotties being overrun by their instinctual herding.

I contemplated the individual and the group. And I was serene.

Then I saw this pic. This hambag.

I tasted that cheeseburger I’d eaten earlier in the back of my throat.

It didn’t taste so good the second time around.

# posted by douchebag1

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