Friday, May 4, 2007

Douche Mecca Reopened

I almost forgot to mention that the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas just started up the Sunday Rehab party again in the last few weeks. Long time readers know that not only have I termed The Vegas Hard Rock “Douche Mecca” because of every practicing ‘bag’s yearly pilgrimage there, but I even ventured into the Land of Source Douche myself, last August.

DB1’s Trip to Douche Mecca Part 1.

DB1’s Trip to Douche Mecca Part 2.

I’m pleased as cheap vodka spiked punch to report that this land of endless hottie/scrotey comingling in an expansive pool filled with over 4,000 strands of unique DNA has reopened, to provide this site with endless resources to pull from. And by resources I mean, uhm, douchebags and hot chicks. Together. Looking like ass.

If we ever do get around to organizing a HCwDB Convention, this is the place we will meet, my friends. This is the place.

# posted by douchebag1

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