Lloyd Dobblerbag
I happened to stumble into “Say Anything” on cable the other day. Holy sweet Christos, what I wouldn’t pay to see a group of coked up British thugs in droog outfits kick the holy crap out of Lloyd Dobbler.
It is to that whiny turd that I dedicate this post, and my coining of the “Dobblerbag.” The Dobblerbag is a whiny git who espouses clever one liners while sweating and trembling because he’s “so happy” when he loses his virginity. He may not be a classic ‘Bag, but let there be no mistake, he’s hidden douche at work. He’s a variant of the Emo Bag melded with the Hipster Bag by way of the virus, Unrealisticus Characterus.
Holding up the stereo playing the worst post-Genesis Peter Gabriel song? You are douche. Even as fictional character, true douche is achieved.
Eat me, Dobbler Bag. And you too, pud in the pic.
Oh, and boobies.