Monday, June 4, 2007

Dolce and Gadouchebag

And while you’re considering your vote for HCwDB of the week, feast on Dolce and Gadouchebag here.

Because it’s not douchey enough that you’re paying for the hottie pic. You gotta bust the DG belt buckle.

New ruling: A DG belt buckle automatically jumps a ‘Bag three levels up the hierarchy to a stage-4 unredeemable steaming pile of douche-choad on a silver platter. Because I like to get scientific like that. It’s a face punch level accoutrement. It makes me want to yank my fillings out with a rusty pliers and gargle lighter fluid.

The only thing saving Smiley McFauxHawk is the lack of ‘Bag hand gestures. But that ain’t saying much. It’s like saying the flesh eating virus isn’t so bad because you won a free French Toast Sticks on your Spiderman3 scratch ticket at Burger King.

I would pound Coors with Brunette Perfection until the sun came up over Santa Monica Boulevard.

# posted by douchebag1

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