Head Assplosion
I really can’t top the last three pics today, so instead I’ll post this group shot of rampant choadosity and highly Grieco infected hotties so we can round off an utterly head assploding Tuesday.
That’s it. I’ve taken today’s postings too far. I know I gotta pace the pics, but hell with it. Crap. Now Wednesday will be a letdown no matter what I post. Oh well. Today was still a fantastic day to salivate over the Hott and rage against the choad.
To celebrate this run of pics, and by celebrate I mean rage against the hottie/’baggy simulacrum I’ve created, I’ve decided to down two quick shots of the Night Train, Dylan Thomas style, at exactly 5:01pm P.S.T. I’ll need it to recover from those last three hottie/douchey exemplars.
Who’s with me? 5:01pm. Toast with me. Toast the Blister’s uberhottie. Toast the Creeps’s, well, creepshow tongue. Toast the club bed. Toast this cavalcade of signifiers of societal rot right here.
What do you say? Lets drink.