Well my JetBlue Burbank to JFK flight delayed for an hour, then rerouted for a three hour layover in Atlantic City due to thunderstorms. Which wouldn’t have been so bad if we actually could’ve gotten out of the plane and gone to Atlantic City. Instead we sat around eating crappy-ass potato chips. Finally flew into JFK only to sit for another hour. Add more time waiting for my bags, and by bags I mean douchebags, and it’s 4:49am and the DB1 is pissed.
The only cure for this state of uber-douchosity, not to mention the appearance of The Possum in the comments thread, is a little more Peaches.
Yeah, I know, I’m overdoing it with this guy. But something about that mug just screams “punch me with a plastic waterslide device.” I’m not sure why.
But the DB1 is tired. And NYC awaits.