Tuesday, June 19, 2007

    'Bag / Not a 'Bag

    Okay, probably not a ‘Bag. In fact, he looks generally a-ok.

    So why post this pic here at HCwDB?


    Soft yet firm. Moist yet succulent. Abs I would covet like sweet sugary ambrosia handed down from Themis herself. Abs that would inspire me to study dance with Merce Cunningham for six years just for the chance to leap poetically over her discarded belly lint.

    Abs. Abs of sunshine.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 19, 2007


    Every so often, I sense something deep within my scrotae.

    A vibration. A vision. A deep premonition.

    Somewhere between Mistress Cleo, Kreskin and wut JoeyPorsche’s dic did, I sense a future event before it happens.

    Some call it a sixth sense. Others call it a rash on my sack that needs medical attention. I call it Spiritual Scrotology, the mystical art of predicting the future based on scrotal sensation.

    Gazing at this Starbucks latte drinking punk Starpunk and his rather sexy if slightly plump senorita, my vibrating scrotum speaks to me. It tells me that her daddy wasn’t quite as threatened by Starpunk as she’d hoped. My scrotum vibrates some more. I see her mind wandering. Wondering if Lanny, the class whippit-head, would perhaps piss daddy off more than Starpunk.

    And the answer comes to me by way of scrotal oscillation. Starpunk and senorita hung out another ten minutes, In awkward silence. Before she told him, “You smell like pee, Starpunk. I, uh, gotta go.”

    And hark. Scrotology sees the future once again.

    Scrotology is freaky like that.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 19, 2007

    Disco Stu

    Disco Stu says, Don’t be a fool, stay in school.

    No wait, that was Mr. T. Dammit, I keep making that mistake.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 19, 2007

    'Bag Choadwich

    I’m pretty sure I’ve posted this Miami Hott hotness a few times last year. I’m sad to see her descent into The Bleeth State continues.

    Note the skull and crossbones necklace.

    Or, to go for the obvious signifiers, simply note the two-ton ‘Bag Sandwich crushing her in a sea of greasy choadstain. Toss in Red Tongue with the tribal tat, and the DB1 is ready to hit the sauce.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, June 19, 2007

    Fan Mail

    a reader writes in:

    at first I thought your site/blog was funny. i’ve viewed it a couple more times the past 2 weeks and have realized you are a real F@#$ing faggot. seriously get a life and quit talking s@#$@ about people you wish you were. hatred comes from pure jealousy. i seriously hope someone finds you on the street and f#@$s you up. look at you. you’re such a pansy. maybe if your daddy would have played catch with you more as a child you wouldn;t be such a little girl. get f#$@ed, p#@$y.


    Dammit. I knew it was the lack of catch games.

    You can listen to your humble narrator, The DB1, genuflect on all things sexy/greasy as well as his lack of familial love on a Calgary radio station by clicking here.

    No HCwDB Weekly this week, next week we’ll do a dual week ‘Bag-Off, but be sure to get your votes in for the Monthly by scrolling down. Voting ends tonight.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, June 18, 2007

    Mega Man II

    Yup, the bizarre razor accident known as Mega Man is making his second appearance on the site.

    This pic makes me as uncomfortable as when Lewis Sculnick took advantage of Betty Childs dressed as Darth Vader in the moon ride at the homecoming carnival. Which was either a scene in Revenge of the Nerds, or the most incomprehensible series of non-sequitors I’ve written since March.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, June 18, 2007

    HipsterBag 101

    We haven’t featured pure Hipsterbags on the site in awhile, which is a shame as they’re one of the classic sub-branches of the UrbanBag genus within the douchebag species. Nothing sets the blood afire like Trustafarian hipsterbags pounding the Rolling Rocks and wearing the bowling t-shirt that has some ironic name like “Al” or “Tony” on it when their real name is Zach.

    Enough, HipsterBags.

    We don’t want to hear about the band you’re starting without a bass player but featuring your musically untrained Parsons classmate playing a 1982 Casio keyboard into a microphone.

    We don’t want to read your ‘Zine.

    We’re not going to invest in your web design company.

    We don’t want to hear about the David Eggers reading at Barnes and Noble when you hooked up with “Teal,” smoked from a hookah at an outdoor cafe before retiring to her loft apartment to have unsatisfying sex to her Belle and Sebastian records. On vinyl.

    Begone, HipsterBags. You are JoeyPorsche in a gas station t-shirt. Jersey scroad by way of premium Soho vintage shops.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, June 18, 2007


    Jumpin’ Man Tan! The Prompa Virus spreads. I haven’t seen that much spray-on product since the silly-string craze of the early 1990s.

    Megods Orange-utan, think of the dolphins.

    I have no idea how, why, or what the causality is, but dolphins are definitely dying as a result of that skin product. Either dolphins or bunnies.

    As to the hotties, I would bake chocolate truffles and feed them one by one while playing yoga meditation music on the pan flute. Then I would rub their middle toes with talcum powder until they got bored and asked for my credit card to hit Loehmans. Which I would gladly give up. Because Loehmans is having a sale.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, June 18, 2007


    I haven’t seen this much whiteness since my Amtrak stopover in Greenwich, Connecticut. But that’s not why I named this bunch CrackerBags.

    It’s due to the fact they all smoke crack.

    Okay, they don’t really smoke crack. But they should. Might de-choad this Frat Stew before it boils over.

    Speaking of theme-park douchebaggery, reader Bilbo Baggins offers up what, in a perfect HCwDB world, our National Monuments would really look like.

    And while we’re having fun with photoshop, reader pfah wants to know if anyone’s up for a tasty boiled Ab Lobster?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, June 18, 2007

    Toe Jam


    Something smells like toe jam.

    What is it?

    Oh yeah. The douche-face.

    Barbie may be far gone down the path of douchebaguette, but I’d revive her with papaya juice while reading her the Sunday comics and licking her forearm with the drool of a thousand Popsicle sticks.

    # posted by douchebag1
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