As The Douche Turns
If daytime Soaps ever want to find the rank equivalent of that Luke n’ Laura coupling, I think we have a contender. Just think of the dramatic dialogue possibilities:
Douche-Luke: Uhm. hey.
Hott-Laura: What’s up?
Douche-Luke: Nothin.
Hott-Laura: Me neither.
Douche-Luke: Word.
Hott-Laura: Haha, you’re such a sweetie!
Douche-Luke: Yo.
Regardless of their linguistic limitations, I would burn cherokee incense in ancient Buddhist temples to honor Hott-Laura’s ancestors. For they provided the genetic materials to assemble a quality nectarine flavored scratch-n-sniff bed bunny.
You know a cutie offers fertile loin when the curvy form of hidden boobs transcends even a plastic garbage bag dress.