Friday, August 17, 2007

Reader Mail

A professional psychologist writes in:

DB1, as a psychologist, I now have multiple male clients who are referring to your site as they work out their psychological difficulties. They are dealing with anger management issues regarding how, on earth, these douchebags can get such hot women.

And yet, they (and I) cannot resist reading, despite the rage it invokes. You are making my job much more challenging, and for this I thank you.

If there’s anything I desire to do in life, it is to send more people into therapy, so I’m glad I’m having a positive effect on the world. But the question is this. Was it Jung, Marx, Lacan or Freud who most closely advocated for the “Punch a ‘Bag in the Face” method of confronting primal rage through transference?

And, if we accept Lacanian mirror stage affect taking place within our consumption of the simulacrum’s HCwDB couplings, do we project outward ourselves as the ‘bag? There will be more discussion on this subject in my book in the section The ‘Bag Within.

And yes, that’s a gratuitous plug.

# posted by douchebag1

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