Saturday, August 25, 2007

Trainwreck for "Hall of Scrote"

There’s a motion on the floor to promote our most recent HCwDB of the Month winner, The Trainwreck, to the hallowed Hall of Scrote.

If you’re new to the site, or generally inebriated, you can find the hallowed H.o.S. in the left hand column if you scroll down.

I have very exacting and detailed standards for exactly which hottie/douchey pics are worthy of H.o.S. and which aren’t. Like if I’m out of Cocoa Puffs. And if my pee smells like asparagus.

But mainly the barrier is lo:

Does the ‘bag in question not just personify uber-douche, but actually influence and alter our comprehension of ‘bag aesthetics? And if in addition to that ur-douche douchebaggery, does his hottie rises to the “I’d skin a leopard to masticate her flip flops” level?

So what say you?

Does The Trainwreck rise to the half-assed standards and inconsistent guidelines that the DB1’s drunk ass requires?

This is a weighted vote, as the “Doucheywood 10” have primary say, but feel free to make an argument either way. Also any suggestions for other neglected hottie/douchey pics for the Hall? It doesn’t have to be a Weekly or a Monthly winner. Just a pic whose uniqueness lingers in our collective Jungian memory like a festering cold sore with an exhilarating shot of whiskey hot mixed in for relief.

# posted by douchebag1

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