Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ask DB1

Chris writes in with the following question:


DB1 –

I run a manhattan neighborhood blog and this week there was a discussion on my site about guys who wear pink izods. Could I ask for your expert opinion on two things to set the record straight?

1) Is a guy a douche for simply wearing a pink izod?

2) If not, if he’s got the collar popped, does that qualify him as a ‘bag?

Thanks for your time…



The Pink I-Zod (and its compatriot, The Pink Polo) does not in and of itself confer inherent douche status, but it is a warning sign of potential douchebaggery. Like the growl of the Amur Tiger of Uttar Pradesh or a hooker named Candii saying “Hi!” it presages potential disaster if you make the wrong choice.

Any popped collar, on the other hand, confers auto stage-1 douche status.

Without exception.

And Pink I-Zod Popped Collar reverberates across the douchological spectrum exponentially, scaring old ladies, causing milk to go bad and punching a really, really cute possum in the face.

# posted by douchebag1

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