Doucheband of the Year: Buckcherry
Molten hot ‘Bagma writes in:
Dear DB1:
In stumbling upon your hilarious and also extremely necessary blog, i have found a level of satisfaction that is almost unparalelled.
With this being said, I have just something to add.
The other day me and my boys were hanging out at our local college/twentysomethings bar and the song “Crazy Bitch” by Buckcherry came on.
It was like some douche preist stood atop mount st. douchey and called all the ‘bags within a 10 mile radius to come and prey at the choad temple. Before i knew it the the whole bar was filled with spiked hair, cheesy tribal tatts, shades in dimly lit areas and orange tattoos. I would like to nominate this song as the official Douche anthem/ call to action. Just a suggestion. Keep making the site hilarious.
Molten hot ‘Bagma
Excellent work, MhB. This video just blasted me with cheap tatts and body odor mixed with Tag Bodyshots. There is no doubt this video is extreme douchosity and deserves our collective observation of its post-Kid-Rock festering swamp of trashbaggery.
Congratulations are in order for Buckcherry, you’ve just be crowned official anthem of Douche for 2007.
Expect an Honorary Douchie at the Douchie Awards in December.
(warning: video is NSFW)