Friday, September 21, 2007

Gator Jr.

To truly appreciate a paradigm shifting douche force like The Gator (now safely ensconsed in the Hall of Scrote), one need only observe the follow-up scrotes. The Jr. ‘Bags who emulate his choady iconography with 1/10th the ability.

Like a cheap knock off T.V. set, Gate Jr., has none of the pull, the affect, the power of douchal emination that is contained in the gale force douchebaggery that is The Gator.

But he tries. Like every wannabe, he’s doing his best.

And he does have the uberhot chicks. God damn. I would gnaw off my own earlobes using a time/space continuum just for the chance to wash, dry, fluff and fold Beauty’s two perfect Beasts.

So I’ll give him that.

# posted by douchebag1

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