Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hot Potato

Many aspiring ‘bag hunters ask me, “DB1, how does the Douche Virus travel between hottie and choad? In how many myriad ways does it transmit?”

After first complimenting them on the proper use of the word “myriad,” I explain that Grieco Viral transmission passes through the simultaneity of physical contact and a ‘bag gesture of some sort. For instance, the douche move pictured here.

Douche Licking is amplified in its potency when the choad in question simultaneously makes a ‘Bag Hand Gesture during transmission. And wears a silly shirt.

Observe the scrote-to-hott infection in action.

Or you can just stare at the Rainbow Pillows and drool like an Australian hyena pumped full of amphedidrine. Like I am. Because the Scrotal Sciences take a back-seat to bouncy rainbow pillows.

Just ask Jonas Salk. He was obsessed with boobies. That guy just wouldn’t stop.

# posted by douchebag1

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