Retro Douche: Willie Aames and Heather Thomas in "Zapped!"
I think an argument can be made that 1982’s Zapped! is an underexamined nexus point for the emerging pre-Grieco douche revolution that led into the 1990s scrotal grease plague.
Watching this clip has that wonderfully innocent early 80s teen douchebaggery/hottie action. It’s like quasi student film teen parody. It’s got the form of a teen comedy, only somebody forgot to add actual jokes. And it’s paced slower than something involving quadriplegics and running. Like a marathon.
Yes, that slow.
But oh, Heather Thomas, you saucy blonde minx, you. And watching a pre “Charles in Charge” Baio/Aames douche-teaming is like witnessing Hope and Crosby in their prime.
If Bing Crosby was a choad. And Bob Hope was a douche nozzle.
Still, there’s something genius about “Zapped!” And by genius, I mean dated.