Friday, September 21, 2007

Toothy McChip

There’s not a lot of obvious signs to give away the scrotal scrotundae of Toothy McChip here. Well, there is the Corey Hart (sunglasses at night). But otherwise, fairly low on the douchological spectrum.

And yet his Douche Aura pervades the pic like a glowing otherworldly apparition of sackless eunuch song.

Swan Hottie is the perfect drink of water for a friday night. I would hug her blue satin curves like a 2004 Mazerati Coup on a windy road. I would sail her America’s Cups around the shorelines of Australia.

Which is to say I would, uhm, enjoy cohabitation for at least 23 awkward seconds of fumbling and groping. And then gasping for air and nearly passing out.

# posted by douchebag1

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